Winter is almost over. Here in upstate New York, March is still considered winter. But this is not a weather report, so I move on.
How do you like Apeiron? If you do not know what an “Apeiron” is, get yourself to a modem quick! We here at Ambrosia central are pretty pleased with Apeiron. Don’t think for a minute that we are sitting around all day playing it ( pre-release yes, now, no). The Ambrosia team is jumping headfirst into its next project; Swoop. More about that later.
Ambrosia is a small company with big ideas. Most of these ideas concern bringing quality shareware to a Macintosh near you. This newsletter is designed as a communication tool. Sort of a public forum where we will share what we are up to, as well as what other users are up to. We try to do all this in an informal sort of way, and have a little fun. Feel free to join in.
A lot of folks are curious about just who is behind the scenes here at Ambrosia Software. A core staff of four full time employees orchestrates the activities of a family of outside developers, contract talent, beta-testers and vendors.
Andrew Welch: Ambrosia’s fearless leader and resident Macintosh wizard. Currently a large portion of Ambrosia’s software library has been authored by Andrew. This talented young programmer is the founding father of Ambrosia, and continues to lead Ambrosia into the uncharted waters of digital distribution of commercial quality products.
Ed Ota: When Andrew first incorporated Ambrosia, Ed was right there with him. Originally, the company was run out of their dorm room (we have since upgraded to a suite of offices). While Andrew programmed, Ed handled the operations side of things. Currently Ed is pursuing his Bachelors in Civil Engineering and a commission in the United States Marine Corps, but he still pitches in when needed.
“Cajun” David Richard: This Southern gentleman is Ambrosia’s technical support guru and sorceror’s apprentice. If you have a question or concern about any of Ambrosia’s products, Cajun is your man. Thanks to Cajun, Ambrosia can boast of an average 24 hour turn around time for E-mail technical questions. If you are surfing the online networks, stop by one of our forums and say hello.
John Haley: If you have read a review of one of Ambrosia’s products, chances are John is doing his job. As Marketing Manager John is in charge of promoting Ambrosia’s products and services. Most of the text for press releases, this newsletter and just about anything else comes from John’s desk. As developer liaison, John also is in charge of keeping track of Ambrosia’s growing list of outside developers.
Gayle Haarr: With the addition of Gayle’s accounting skills, Ambrosia will be better able to squeeze the most out of your shareware dollar. Gayle is responsible for processing orders and keeping the company books. If you are feeling neighborly, say hello to Gayle on your next registration form.
Chances are, if you have a question or concern about software, you are not the first person to ask it. So, by sharing questions and answers we hope to help everyone out a little. So send in your bugs (computer variations only, please), your questions or just a comment. We live for mail.
This will be the fifth issue of this newsletter. If you are unfamiliar with previous issues, you may want to take a look at them. We are using a version number system similar to software. This issue is 2.2; which means it is the second issue of the second year of publication. Thanks to everyone who appreciated the previous issues so much.
Navigating through this newsletter has been simplified with the use of pictures and icons. Click once on each icon to find out what it does. Also be sure to click on pictures & graphics for hidden surprises.
This newsletter will be released every odd numbered month. Currently this is one of many projects under way here at Ambrosia central. To produce this newsletter on a monthly basis would steal valuable time away from the development and testing of programs. Can’t have that. Also, we wanted to allow time to get enough information of interest, and format it properly. If you are interested in a free online subscription, please drop us a line with your E—Mail address.